Wordpress Subscribers - Premium Membership.

All The Internet Marketing Gurus Say …“BUILD A LIST!”
Now Do It Soooo Quickly And Easily, Your Visitors Sign Up Before They Know It!

Forget “One Trick” Popup Software,
And Give Your Visitors EVERY Chance To Connect With You …

Hi Friends and Marketers from around the World!
Have you seen these numbers?
They are VERY revealing…
Here’s the breakdown of 10,000 signups…and how they signed up…
  • Popup: 37.8% (Big pop, nice design, big ebook cover)
  • Sidebar: 20% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
  • Footer: 19.7% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
  • Signup Page: 3.2% (a single, UNLINKED TO squeeze page, similar to popup)
  • Get The Rest Of This: 10.4% (A Special post, with a sign up form in the post…more about this in a bit)
source: Steve Warwick, used with permission
There’s one very definite conclusion to draw from these numbers:

“Put Your Optin Offer In Multiple Places”

This sounds like a lot of work!
It’s like … you need one plugin for a popup, another plugin for a footer, and another plugin for exit redirection popups…just to make this all work!
What a lot of bother and hassle … you have to …
  • Buy each plugin
  • Install it
  • Figure out how to use it (let’s see, for this plugin, you click on settings in the admin sidebar, for this one, it installs its own option menu in the admin sidebar, yikes!)
  • Keep it up-to-date
  • Make sure it doesn’t interfere with OTHER plugins you might have
  • Make sure it works when you update WordPress.

What If You Could… Quickly And Easily…

  • Add An Optin Form with a “lightbox” (a popup with the background darkened, so that all your visitor sees is your Optin Offer, so they either have to subscribe or dismiss your form in order to see the page underneath…)
  • Have a Footer Bar or Header Bar Opt-In Form — especially if you want to attract the visitor’s attention, but not hit them with an “in your face” popup requiring them to take action
  • Display hidden content: Rarely seen outside of expensive WordPress membership software, but you can have it — get your visitors salivating to see more, and show it to them after they’ve opted in.
  • Subscribe on commenting: Get the ideal subscribers — those folks already commenting on your blog … this makes it super simple for them to do— all they have to do is click a checkbox…
  • Subscribe on registration: Not something most blogs offer, but if you offer user registration, why not make it so it adds them to your email list (the one of your choosing, of course!)
  • Put a “Subscribe” Box In All Your Posts: Hey, a sweet, quiet, simple request for them to signup to your email list to get more … you just gave them great content, show them how to keep getting more…
  • Put a “Subscribe” Box In Particular Posts…(shhhh…remember the “Get The Rest Of This” from the Optin statistics above? He split a great post into two, kept the first half in the post and the second half in a pdf. The visitor had to opt-in to the subscribe form in the post to get the second half.)
  • Create a “Cascade” of Exit Popups…under precise “fighter pilot” control…each popup with its own content, each sending the user to a unique URL…and you can add the “cascade” to all your pages or any of your pages…you choose…!
  • Put Your “Subscribe” Form anywhere you want on your WordPress blog…
  • Mix’n’Match all of the above to your heart’s content…

And Of Course…

Does everything that you would expect…
  • Unlimited Optins: Have As Many Optin forms as you need or want, of whatever type you’d like (This means NOT just as many forms as you’d like, but as many different email lists as you’d like!)
  • Works With ANY Email Service Provider: Aweber, GetResponse, Mailchimp, Turbo AutoResponder, Google Feedburner…or even software you’ve rolled on your own …
  • Compatible With All Modern Browsers: whether you, or your visitor, use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or the latest version of Firefox — or Opera or Safari…

And Not Just That…

Also get…
  • Facebook Connectivity — .tempt your visitor with an offer and add a facebook connect button. The visitor clicks this button to connect with you, and they are automagically added to your email list. How cool is that?
  • Analytics! — And, no, not a bunch of statistics that you need to have a Ph.D. to figure out. Something simple yet useful — see how well each of your subscribe forms is doing so you can quickly take action on any poor performers — and leverage your best performers…
  • “Smorgasbord” flexibility — you can add popups and forms just about anywhere — your imagination is the limit.
    • Want a particular popup on just the posts in one category? DONE!
    • Want it add a webpage to your popup? DONE!
    • Want to add a countdown timer and have the popup disappear when it reaches zero? DONE!
And … there’s even more ….?
So…what are we talking about?


The “All-In-One”, Swiss Army Knife, Smorgabord Optin And Popup Plugin For Your WordPress Blogs:


What’s amazing is … we’ve barely scratched the surface …
There’s even still MORE that you can do.with WPSubscribers …
Some of these features have been freshly added….
Such as …
  • Add a countdown timer to your form. Want to make a special, very time-limited offer? Add a timer and the optin will disappear when it gets to zero…
  • Footer bars to display messages … you don’t have to use them just to get people to subscribe (though they are very powerful for that, as the above stats show!)
  • Easy Update — just click a button
  • NEW! Add a referral system, so your subscribers get points for referring otherrs…
  • NEW! Exit Popups now can include any kind of html content, like images, video, and more…
  • NEW! Header bar — now put messages (that can be easily seen and easily hidden by the user) into a strip at the top of your blog!
WPSubscribers allows you complete and total flexibiilty and customization!
Change the look (oops…did we mention the built-in custom templates?) … how often you want an optin to show up, when you want it to show up…and so much more…
Look — I want this to be….

The LAST WordPress Popup Plugin You Will Ever Need

Create an unlimited number of subscribe forms

Only with WPSubscribers, you can create unlimited number of subscribe forms include popup forms, footer bar forms, custom forms, exit popups… and each of them can has its own content and can be used separated at the same time.
This feature is extremely useful when your website targets multi topics with different types of visitors or has multiple landing-pages.

Working with any opt-in email marketing service

WPSubscribers could be used with any email service such as Aweber, Mailchimp, iContact, GetResponse, Prosender, Emailaces, Turbo Autoresponders, Google FeedBurner… or your own service.

Compatible with all modern web browsers

WPSubscribers is designed to work with all major web browsers today: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer…

Build a Lightbox Subscription Form with ease

Build a Popup Opt-in Form just a minute with WPSubscribers, which includes 11 unique design popup + 8 colors each.
This is also an intelligent feature that you can configure to show up only for new visitor or after a specific time…
However, you can use this feature to create your own popup to display not only Opt-in Form but also video clip, ads banner…

Have your subscribe form in the footer bar

WPSubscribers allows you to create a dynamic footer bar on your website containing a subscription form. All of the footer bars are fully customized.
In addition, you can use this feature to put any content as you want in the footer bar.

Embed Subscribe Form inside your Post content

With WPSubscribers, you can easily create a Subscribe Form embed in your post, it might be displayed at the top, bottom or anywhere inside the post content.

Create multiple Exit Popups

This feature allows you to create multiple exit popups that appear when visitors try to close the page or go to another website.
Each popup can has its own content, URL to redirect and can be placed on all pages or a specific page of your website. This could be great to show an offer to your visitors or let’s them go to a subscribe page.

Take full control of display settings

In addition of ability to create multiple forms, you can choose exactly which pages/posts/categories… to display popup, footer bar, exit popup… and their number of occurrences.
Each subscription form can has its own inner content, design and easy to customized.
The plugin will auto disable all of the subscription forms whenever your visitors put in their information or using mobile device to keep your visitor’s smoothness.
They are all easy-to-use features that you can accomplish through our post metabox, sidebar widgets and an advanced admin option page.

Add custom opt-in forms anywhere

WPSubscribers provides you flexible functions to create custom opt-in forms that can be placed anywhere on your website (post content, page content, sidebar widgets, header, footer…)

Subscribe on user registration

When enable, this feature of WPSubscribers will auto subscribe all of your new users to a mailing list when they register on your website.
This process runs in the background so they won’t notice about this.

Subscribe on user commenting

WPSubscribers can create a Subscription Checkbox at your comment form that you can modify the label, set a default status of this checkbox is checked or not…
WPSubscribers can also redirect your visitors to a specific page after commenting or send a thank you message to them.

Automatically fill visitors’ name and email

WPSubscribers will automatically capture your visitors’ name, email and fill them into Subscribe Form in order to get you more sign-ups!

Subscription Form on hidden content

With this feature you can easily hide a part of your post content that visitors need to subscribe to your list to see this hidden content.

Simple Subscribe Forms Analytics

WPSubscribers allows you to keep track of Subscription Form performance that tells you how many times does the form appear and its number of submission.
With this statistical figure you can make a split testing to choose the best performance one or take further form optimization.

Subscription Referral System

WPSubscribers plugin now can grow your list virally! By giving your subscribers referral points, thus encouraging them to have others sign up for you list, too.
This feature turns your WordPress blog into a killer list building machine that force all visitors build the list for you!

Exit popup with HTML content

The new exit popup is coming that allows you put any content in.
Forget the boring traditional exit popup, WPSubscribers plugin now allows you put images, video… to your exit popup.

  • Single Licence

    $ 47

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • 1 WordPress site installation (?)
  • Recommended
  • Unlimited Licence

    $ 77

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • UNLIMITED WordPress sites installation (?)
  • Top Priority Support

WPSubscribers Can Now Integrate With FaceBook

Up to now, 500 million people all around the world are actively using Facebook to stay connected with their friends and the people around them. These people have all verified names and e-mail addresses that would be your greatest opt-in list opportunity.
WPSubscribers can add a Facebook Connect button to anywhere in your website that allows visitor to be subscribed to your mailing list in seconds! Here is how it work:
1. You make an offer and put in WPSubscribers FaceBook button.
2. Your visitor clicks on this button and accepts to connect with you.
3. Visitor’s name & email address is added to your mailling list automatically.
Want to see live example? Please click here. This post example uses a custom design popup + Facebook connect button, they’re all created by WPSubscribers plugin.
“…WPSubscribers ROCKS!…”
Since I’ve used and loved other list building plugins on Traffic Generation Cafe for a long time, I was skeptical of this new kid on the block, but also excited to see what the new plugin had to offer.
I couldn’t believe my eyes, to be quite honest with you.
WPSubscribers ROCKS!
Ana Hoffman
“…This is an especially awesome feature…”
The best feature of this plugin is the ability to link your autoresponder account with your Facebook account.
What this effectively does is create a portal from Facebook to your email list.
This is an especially awesome feature because it removes the friction that comes with asking a reader for their personal details.
Alex Whalley
“Once you buy WPSubscribers plugin, you don’t have to waste money on any other premium wordpress optin plugin EVER”
WPSubscribers in my opinion is SUPERB and MIND BLOWING.
The amount of features it offers at such a low price will seriously blow YOU and YOUR subscription rate far away. This is a must-have plugin for serious list builders.
Sushant Risodkar
“The facebook integration and exit popup features are just awesome”
WPSubscribers is a all in one tool, where we have several features that can be use to build a strong and effective mailing list by offering different attractive forms. The facebook integration and exit popup features are just awesome.
Thanks to Jenni for developing such a great plugin on a very low price.
Bilal Ahmad
So I am constantly listening to my customers and adding new features…
And if you decide to pick up WPSubscribers today, you get…

Lifetime Updates

What’s more I back up my software, personally, with a 60-day Money Back Guarantee…
You can get your copy of WPSubscribers in total confidence. I’m taking all the risk here…so…

100% Money-Back, 60-Day Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee 100% - Burst Badge Orange
Get WPSubscribers…put it on your blogs, put it through its paces… use it for the next 60 Days. If you don’t love it, just ask and I’ll give you all your money back. You get the WPSubscribers Plugin, Lifetime updates, tutorials, support … and probably more optins than you’ve ever seen before.
“…[No Other Plugin I\’ve Bought Has] ALL These Features”
Just wanted to pop in here and say how much I love this plugin Jenni!
Great work you have done combining all aspects of list building. I have bought several pluginsthat do these features, but NONE of them have ALL these features in one plugin!
I bought this yesterday and am highly impressed – my sale went through without a hitch and I got my download instantly from WarriorPlus.
I sold over 100 copies of this plugin myself yesterday, and my readers love it too!
Ken Reno
“…A Must Have Plugin…”
I have tried so many plugins of its kind but none of them will come anywhere nearer to WPSubscriber Plugin when is comes to the features and functionality.
This is a must have plugin as far as I am concerned.
In addition, with free lifetime updates and the WSO price – Simply no-brainer.
“I Very Much Recommend This If You Want To Have A Great System For Building Your List!!”
This is an AWESOME tool, and I have to say, Jenni is amazingly responsive and great with support.
I just have the plugin set up pretty much bare bones, with no slick graphics, good bullet points, or even the Facebook connect! I can’t wait to see what happens as I tweak this plugin.
Thank you Jenni, for this fantastic tool. I very much recommend this if you want to have a great system for building your list!!
Daniel LaRusso

Okay, — Give Me The Low Down…

Okay, let’s look at this seriously…
WordPress Popup software is nothing new … but you’ve never, ever seen one that supports as many options as WPSubscriber…
In fact, it is so packed with features, ,you’d have to buy and install and keep several plugins just to do what WPSubscribers does…
And I’m not finished adding more features and options…so, not only today is WPSubscribers the best WordPress optin plugin today, and it’s going to continue to be…
And you will keep getting the updates…
Some of the features I’ve added already are like complete whole new plugins by themselves.
So, sign up today and you can keep getting these incredible additions…just for one low price today.
What is WPSubscribers worth to you, really?
What does just 1 new subscriber mean to you?
Well, those internet marketing gurus will tell you that each subscriber on your list is worth $1 for every month they are on your list. So 1 new subscriber is worth $12.in a year…and even more, if they stay on your list longer.
For less than what 9 new subscribers would bring you, you can have WPSubscribers running on every WordPress blog you own.
With all the ways that you can connect with with your visitors with WPSubscribers, it wouldn’t take much traffic at all for you to be getting just 9 new subscribers. And you can keep getting more and more subscribers, until your list snowballs in size (especially with the new referral system I’ve put in for you — where you can make your list go viral!).
Combine that with my top support, the lifetime updates, and the 60 Day Moneyback Guarantee and all you need to do to start benefitting from those new subscribers is to get your copy today…
Claim Your Copy of WPSubscribers Today (before I come to my senses)…

Secure No-Risk Acceptance Form

Satisfaction Guaranteed - Burst Badge Red

YES! I want WPSubscribers right now for my WordPress blog!

  • I’d be crazy not to take you up on this amazing offer…
  • Now I can get more optins and grow my list like wildfire, faster and more assuredly than ever before …
  • I’m ready to start getting more siggups, bigger lists, and more customers.
  • Give me this incredible product, backed by your 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
  • I know that I can download this immediately after ordering for the tiny price of just $47 for 1 blog….or … (for a short time only)….$77 for use on all the blogs that you own …
  • I understand I get the following:

  • Single Licence

    $ 47

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • 1 WordPress site installation (?)
  • Recommended
  • Unlimited Licence

    $ 77

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • UNLIMITED WordPress sites installation (?)
  • Top Priority Support
“…I Had One Up In 10 Minutes!”
I bought the unlimited license and this plug in rocks! Could not have come at a better time for me! Very easy to use as well, i had one up in 10 minutes!
“…So Awesome It Can’t Be Ignored”
I really didn’t want to buy this plugin as I have so many opt-in scripts including Pop Up Domination, but this is so awesome it can’t be ignored.
…an unlimited license – definitely a no brainer. And to top it all the form designs look so slick & professional.
Hypno Hugh
Coach and freelance marketing consultant

But wait! Watch WPSubscribers Plugin In Action

Popup Subscription Forms:

Comment features:

  • WPSubscribers will capture your visitor’s name and email whenever they comment on your website, auto fill this information, auto subscribe them or redirect them to another web page, try it yourself by commenting on demo blog!

Footerbar / Headerbar Subscription Forms:

Subscription Forms in anywhere:

Exit-popup made easy:

“…That Alone Is Worth The Price…”
OMG do you realize what you can do with the facebook optins??? AMAZING
that alone is worth the price. And the way I am doing it (customer building) is going to be phenomenal.
Darren Monroe
“…I would recommend you grab this…”
Looks like a great innovative product backed by an honest and hard working entrepreneur. Can’t wait to put this plugin to work and start recommending it to my subscribers.
Seriously…this plugin takes care of everything all in one shot instead of needing to buy a handful of other plugins to do everything. If you have a list or are wanting to build one I would recommend you grab this!
Peter Beattie
“…It is a worthwhile purchase…”
It was so easy. Normally it takes me forever to learn something new.
Even at full price it is a worthwhile purchase. I created my very first pop-up within about 20 minutes and that included slowly following her tutorial, taking time to figure out what I was going to write and uploading a jpg so that I could add a graphic for my freebie.
Thank you for making it sooo simple.
Sandy Du Plessis
“…The Most Complete List Building Plugin…”
I’ve used many list building plugins for WordPress, I often imagine a plugin that has many features such as referral point, Facebook connect, the beautiful exit popup and more.
WPSubscribers Rocks! Answered my questions. Even better… With so many features this plugin definitely will be the easiest way to build list quickly. Must have for serious list builder!
Tantan Hilyatana
(Blogger, Internet Marketer, SEO Consultant and WordPress Developer)

  • Single Licence

    $ 47

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • 1 WordPress site installation (?)
  • Recommended
  • Unlimited Licence

    $ 77

  • WPSubscribers plugin
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 60-day Guarantee
  • Instant Download After Purchase
  • UNLIMITED WordPress sites installation (?)
  • Top Priority Support
Look, I am very excited to see the magic that WPSubscribers can work for you, and I’m sure when you start using it, you will see a big increase in the number of people who subscribe to your email list. You’ll start growng your list like wildfire, and really understand — in your bank account — why all the IM Gurus say “Build A List.”
Thanks for taking your time to read this! Looking forward to seeing you on the other side!
The WP Subscribers Team :
P.S. I am offering this at this low price to a few select audiences, so, if you are at the least bit interested, I’d encourage you to get it now while the price is still low. I’d hate to see you miss out on getting such a low price for this whip-smart tool. Click here to get started before I come to my senses.
P.S.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose. The risk is all on me. Get my WPSubscribers now, start using it every day and start getting more optins every day. I think you’ll be astonished at the results. Just go here to pick up your copy today.
P.S.S.S. Getting more subscribers from your WordPress blog isn’t magic. You can start today getting more subscribers, and, yes, even more visitors with some of our new viral features like our subscriber referral system that we just added.
Better pick up your copy of WPSubscribers right now while you’re thinking about it ..just click here to get started!

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